On a scale from 1 to 10, how badly do you want to get rid of those awful menstrual cramps?
If the answer is 11 or more, stay tuned. I’m going to show you how you can use Acupuncture points for menstrual cramps while in the comfort of your home.
You are going to learn which points to use during your period.
And which ones to use between periods to treat your period pain.
But there is a small caveat: in this case, it is not enough just to rub it in or press it in for 5 minutes. The formula that you are going to learn today has a few improvements for the best results.
Now on to the topic.
Table of Contents
A Quick Overview of Menstrual Cramps
Every 28 or so days every woman has her period where normal vaginal bleeding occurs if she doesn’t get pregnant. However, many women experience pain during this period.
Some even experience pain before and after the period.
Period pain can go from mild discomfort to a stabbing and excruciating pain that forces you to stay in bed and take every pill you can think of to mitigate the cramps. This causes many women to have to skip work at risk of being fired or to spend almost a week taking strong painkillers that ultimately hurt their stomachs and Kidneys.
Now imagine this is guaranteed to happen to you every month, with no exceptions. Some months are worse than others but every month.
This is what makes Menstrual cramps or period pain such a huge issue.
Along with it not being something normal at all.
Women shouldn’t be experiencing period pain although it has become more common recently. This study suggests that the prevalence of Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) goes from 16% to 91% in women of reproductive age.
What does Chinese Medicine Say about Menstrual Pain
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, painful menstruation can be caused by various disharmonies. Especially those concerning Blood and the Kidney Organs.
In TCM theory, the Kidneys are the Organs in charge of the Uterus and the reproductive systems, so any damage done to them has direct repercussions in the Reproductive System.
The Most common causes of Dysmenorrhea, Menstrual pain, and Menstrual Cramps in Chinese Medicine are:
- Qi and Blood Deficiency.
- Cold Invading the Uterus.
Qi and Blood deficiency are characterized by a weak constitution, lower back pain along low abdominal pain of menstruation, it usually happens if you have had major illnesses in the past or recently, or if you are recovering from a disease.
As Qi and Blood are intimately related, if one is affected the other one suffers as well, a deficient Qi will lead to low vitality, fragility, and eventually to Blood stagnation which in turn causes pain.
Cold Invasion of the Uterus is characterized by a sharp pain that is alleviated with the use of a heating pad on the lower belly. This happens especially if you use to drink cold drinks or eat cold foods frequently. In Chinese Medicine, cold foods and drinks are to be avoided as they drain your Yang energy causing your body to consume Qi.
It can also be caused by exposure to cold temperatures without proper clothing.
This is why fashion and looks must always follow utility and not the other way around.
If you are interested in learning more about the Causes of Diseases in TCM like Cold, or Dampness, Check out this article:
Causes of Disease in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Now let’s go over the Acupuncture points used for treating menstrual cramps and period pain.
They are divided into two main groups:
- Points to use during your period: These are your go-to points during the pain crisis.
- Points to use between periods: These are better used as a staple treatment for your menstrual cramps in preparation for your period. The Best results come from going to an Acupuncture clinic and getting them needled.
These Points are also part of my FREE Acupressure Guide with the 8 Best Acupoints for All Everyday Issues:
Acupuncture Points for Menstrual Cramps to Use During Your Period
Your period is here and the pain is approaching.
Wouldn’t it be cool to have a few go-to points to wear off the pain and handle your period better?
Here are the acupuncture points to use during your period to treat your menstrual cramps:
- Large Intestine 4: This is a commonly used point and a powerhouse of a point it treats everything from joint pain to headaches and all sorts of painful entities, as well as being an immunity booster. Located in the middle of the second metacarpal bone, between your thumb and your index finger.
- Spleen 6 (Sanyinjiao): This is a highly effective point for treating dysmenorrhea and menstrual cramps as this point energizes the three Yin meridians of the foot (Kidney, Liver, and Spleen), all of them closely related to the Blood and the Uterus. It is located 3 cun above the tip of your inner ankle, behind the edge of your shin.
How to use Those Points
Here’s the catch. Rubbing them isn’t enough if you want to get the most out of them. For these points to do their job at their finest you will do the following:
Large Intestine 4 has to be Sedated.
Spleen 6 has to be Tonified.
To Sedate: Squeeze the point with good intensity and release quickly. Do this for 5 to ten times.
To Tonify: Press and/or rub gently the point for three to five minutes while maintaining firm and constant pressure.
Stimulate these points three to five times a day for better results.
Acupuncture Points for Menstrual Cramps to Use Between Periods
The Points you will learn now are best used as the main treatment for your menstrual cramps. You can either stimulate them at home or if you want to have the best results and potentially get rid of your period pain, get them needled by a trained acupuncturist.
Here are the Points:
- Ren Mai 4 (Conception Vessel 4/Guanyuan): Located 3 cun below your belly button (4 finger breadths). This point is usually used for Blood-related disharmonies.
- Gallbladder 26: Located on the side of your body, at level with the navel, right below the free end of your 13th rib. Touch your lowest rib and follow its path towards your chest, at its end, go down vertically until you are at level with your navel.
- Stomach 28: Located on your abdomen, 3 cun below the navel, 2 cun lateral to the midline.
- Bladder 60: It is located 1 cun below your outer ankle, in the depression between it and the Achilles tendon.
- Spleen 6: I think you already know this one.
- Stomach 36: Located 3 cun below your knee cap, 1 cun lateral to the edge of your shin.
How to Use these Acupuncture Points
You can either stimulate them at home as part of your self-care routine using your fingers, or you can go to a Chinese Medicine Clinic and have them needled by a TCM doctor.
Moxibustion on some points is a huge addition to your treatment, especially if you have a Cold pattern.
But, is that it?
If you have been following my blog you know I love to overdeliver, so I will.
Further Care
Here are some more valuable tips you can follow to greatly reduce your menstrual cramps:
Avoid Unnecessary Cold Exposure
I know cold plunges are the hot stuff right now (pun intended). However, from a TCM perspective, it is not advisable to engage in it especially if you are a woman. Excessive colds like in cold plunges or ice baths deplete your Yang energy and strain your Kidneys as well. In women, this cold exposure can mean a buildup of Cold inside the body thus laying the path for more issues.
This also applies to excessive consumption of cold foods and drinks.
Always aim for things to be at least at room temperature if not a bit hotter in case of food.
Don’t burn your mouth though.
Don’t Wash your hair late in the night.
If you are going to take a shower late in the night, don’t wash your hair. The excessive moisture and cool temperature at night make this a breeding ground for Cold and Dampness to start attacking your body.
It also predisposes you to catch a cold.
Eat Blood-energizing, Kidney-tonifying foods.
Aim to always eat organic, preferably locally-grown whole foods. Kidneys are energized by black-colored foods and salty flavors.
Eat lamb, beef, pork, fish, aubergines, black beans, beets, tomatoes.
Add some ginger to energize your lungs as well. Combine black pepper and turmeric to energize both your Lungs and Kidneys and boost the effects of both spices.
Exercise regularly
This one is a no-brainer and a must. You cannot sleep on regular exercise.
Just do whatever feels good for you. Jogging, aerobics, martial arts, you name it. Make sure to include some resistance training i.e. lifting weights or bodyweight exercises.
If you want to take it up a notch you can sign up for Tai Chi classes and Qi Gong. This is a two-in-one routine where you will be exercising but also healing yourself from within and cultivating longevity.
Do this along with your acupressure treatment and you will see a huge improvement in your menstrual cramps.
Final Thoughts
Well, now you know which points to use should you find yourself suffering from period pain again.
Remember how to properly stimulate those acupuncture points and you will be well on your way to a pain-free period.
Bonus points if you implement the previous tips.
Got any questions? Leave a comment below!